
Portals at SPIEL Essen!

We’re proud to announce that our upcoming project, an abstract strategy game Portals, will be available for purchase at Spiel Essen (Oct 5 – 8, 2023 in Essen, Germany)! Be one of the first to check this fun and beautiful game that plays well both with family audience and with experienced board gamers.

In Portals, you become travelers between worlds. Your task is to follow the path of the famous wizard Dominick Dey, collecting magic keys and using them to open portals to other worlds. Only a mage whose mastery rivals Dey’s will find him first and win the game!

During the game, players draft Elemental stones to complete various shapes on Key cards. By activating completed Key cards, players fill Elemental boards with stones and gain Victory Points for matching colors and adjacency.

Portals feature intense player interaction (not that common in abstract games!), immense variability, a solo mode and two additional modules to spice things up for more experienced players.

The game will be available for purchase at Spiel Essen, then we’ll launch a pre-sale even for our newsletter subscribers, and the official release is scheduled for November 7. But you don’t need to wait till October to see how beautiful the game is — just check the photos below!