Dear friends!
Covid implications, Chinese New Year shutdown and general state of the worldwide logistics inevitably lead to delays. Unfortunately, City of the Great Machine and Evolution: New World were affected by that too. Transportation and shipping at the end and the beginning of the year is more complicated than usual. With all delays, we have definitely gained a lot of experience that will allow us to organize shipping for future projects much more efficiently.

USA. Delivery started at the beginning of this week. An unexpected pause for a snowstorm delayed the processing, so it will continue throughout next week.
Canada. The games are at the US warehouse, packed and ready for transportation to Canada. We expect that they will arrive to the Canadian hub in a few weeks.
Europe. All games have been sent, and most European backers have already received their games. If you haven’t yet, please keep an eye on your tracking number! In case you don’t have a tracking number, please contact us directly.
UK. Unfortunately, the games are not in the UK yet — they are still at the US warehouse and are being prepared for oceanic freight. Realistically, we expect delivery to start by the end of February or in March.
AU & NZ. All games have been sent. If you haven’t received your game yet, please keep an eye on your tracking number! In case you don’t have a tracking number, please contact us directly.
Asia, Oceania, and the rest of the world. Scheduled for February.

Europe. The games are on their way to the European hub, and currently are on a cargo ship somewhere in the Indian Ocean. We expect the games to arrive in the EU in the middle of February, so the shipping most likely will start in the end of February or – if processing takes longer than it should – in the beginning of March.
USA. Delivery will start when European parcels are packed and ready to be shipped.
Canada. The games are traveling to the Canadian hub. We aim to start delivery when the EU and US delivery starts.
UK. Due to delays at the intermediate hub, transportation takes much longer than we planned. Currently, we expect to have the games in the UK no earlier than by the end of March, so the most realistic delivery time is April. We’ll try to speed things up a bit, but there’s not much we can do at the moment.
AU & NZ. Winter holidays from Christmas to Chinese New Year slowed the shipping significantly. The games should arrive at the AU hub in mid/late-March.
Asia, Oceania, and the rest of the world. Some games were shipped before CNY, and the others will be sent together with EU, US, and CA orders or a little earlier.